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Have you ever had a question about the City of Loveland but didn't know who to ask? Like how did the City get its name? Who was Mariano Medina and what was the deal with his pants? How many pieces of public art does Loveland have, or how many roundabouts?
You can get answers to these burning questions and many others right here on Let's Talk Loveland's Fake or Fact tab!
Although we cannot confirm whether the Sugar Beet Factory is haunted or not, we can help with your burning questions about City government, City events, business activities, or any other City-related thing that's on your mind -- City of Loveland is here to help!
Ask your question below and our Office of Communications and Engagement team will make sure you get the FACTS!
Have you ever had a question about the City of Loveland but didn't know who to ask? Like how did the City get its name? Who was Mariano Medina and what was the deal with his pants? How many pieces of public art does Loveland have, or how many roundabouts?
You can get answers to these burning questions and many others right here on Let's Talk Loveland's Fake or Fact tab!
Although we cannot confirm whether the Sugar Beet Factory is haunted or not, we can help with your burning questions about City government, City events, business activities, or any other City-related thing that's on your mind -- City of Loveland is here to help!
Ask your question below and our Office of Communications and Engagement team will make sure you get the FACTS!
Myth busting - what is your question?
Share Why the hell is hunting still allowed in highly populated areas of Loveland such as Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area? A massive influx of new homes are being built all around Boedecker lake and in the Marina Butte area. How the hell hasn’t the hunting been stopped immediately? It’s horrific and incredibly dangerous to families with homes and children in the area! But the city is allowing these dangerous activities to continue in conjunction with the fish and game people. With continued growth hunting needs to immediately stop in the Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area!!! on Facebook Share Why the hell is hunting still allowed in highly populated areas of Loveland such as Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area? A massive influx of new homes are being built all around Boedecker lake and in the Marina Butte area. How the hell hasn’t the hunting been stopped immediately? It’s horrific and incredibly dangerous to families with homes and children in the area! But the city is allowing these dangerous activities to continue in conjunction with the fish and game people. With continued growth hunting needs to immediately stop in the Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area!!! on Twitter Share Why the hell is hunting still allowed in highly populated areas of Loveland such as Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area? A massive influx of new homes are being built all around Boedecker lake and in the Marina Butte area. How the hell hasn’t the hunting been stopped immediately? It’s horrific and incredibly dangerous to families with homes and children in the area! But the city is allowing these dangerous activities to continue in conjunction with the fish and game people. With continued growth hunting needs to immediately stop in the Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area!!! on Linkedin Email Why the hell is hunting still allowed in highly populated areas of Loveland such as Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area? A massive influx of new homes are being built all around Boedecker lake and in the Marina Butte area. How the hell hasn’t the hunting been stopped immediately? It’s horrific and incredibly dangerous to families with homes and children in the area! But the city is allowing these dangerous activities to continue in conjunction with the fish and game people. With continued growth hunting needs to immediately stop in the Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area!!! link
Why the hell is hunting still allowed in highly populated areas of Loveland such as Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area? A massive influx of new homes are being built all around Boedecker lake and in the Marina Butte area. How the hell hasn’t the hunting been stopped immediately? It’s horrific and incredibly dangerous to families with homes and children in the area! But the city is allowing these dangerous activities to continue in conjunction with the fish and game people. With continued growth hunting needs to immediately stop in the Boedecker lake and Mariana Butte area!!!
Ladyinbutte asked almost 3 years agoThank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. Hunting in this area is actually managed by the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife, not the City, so it would be best to reach out to them for the details. If you have more questions, contact the external affairs team at Parks and Wildlife, (303) 236-7905.
huntinghunting -
Share Why is it that we can have drive-through liquor stores but can't have cannibals dispensaries? Thank about all the tax revenue the city is missing as well. on Facebook Share Why is it that we can have drive-through liquor stores but can't have cannibals dispensaries? Thank about all the tax revenue the city is missing as well. on Twitter Share Why is it that we can have drive-through liquor stores but can't have cannibals dispensaries? Thank about all the tax revenue the city is missing as well. on Linkedin Email Why is it that we can have drive-through liquor stores but can't have cannibals dispensaries? Thank about all the tax revenue the city is missing as well. link
Why is it that we can have drive-through liquor stores but can't have cannibals dispensaries? Thank about all the tax revenue the city is missing as well.
Montgomery asked about 3 years agoHi Montgomery – Thanks for the question! This all comes down to legalization. Drive-through liquor stores are available within Loveland because the sale of liquor is legal within city limits, but the recreational sale of cannabis is not. Legalizing cannabis was a question on the ballot in 2019, but voters did not pass the measure. There was also a petition in 2021 to place a legalization question on the ballot, but the petition taken out for signatures was never turned in. There is always the chance that the sale of cannabis will go back to voters in the future. If you feel strongly about this topic, we do encourage you to contact your city council representative. You can find contact information here: https://www.lovgov.org/city-government/city-council/council-members-and-ward-information.
cannabis,tax revenuecannabis tax revenue -
Share Does the city law enforcement group use red light cameras to ticket people who run through red lights. I think you would make a ton of money with these. I see people blow through reds often. Usually on Wilson, at Eisenhower or 29th or 35th. on Facebook Share Does the city law enforcement group use red light cameras to ticket people who run through red lights. I think you would make a ton of money with these. I see people blow through reds often. Usually on Wilson, at Eisenhower or 29th or 35th. on Twitter Share Does the city law enforcement group use red light cameras to ticket people who run through red lights. I think you would make a ton of money with these. I see people blow through reds often. Usually on Wilson, at Eisenhower or 29th or 35th. on Linkedin Email Does the city law enforcement group use red light cameras to ticket people who run through red lights. I think you would make a ton of money with these. I see people blow through reds often. Usually on Wilson, at Eisenhower or 29th or 35th. link
Does the city law enforcement group use red light cameras to ticket people who run through red lights. I think you would make a ton of money with these. I see people blow through reds often. Usually on Wilson, at Eisenhower or 29th or 35th.
mollyd asked over 3 years agoHello MollyD, We will continue to look at ways to address comments and ideas about traffic issues through events, videos and more, but in the meantime, wanted to send you this update. Re: use of cameras to issue speeding tickets, City Council and City administration have heard from citizens that they do not want this kind of electronic enforcement. If a group of citizens asked Council to use this kind of enforcement, Council could possibly approve an ordinance to do so. Keep sharing your thoughts and ideas and we will help you stay in-the-know!
Share Does Loveland have a sign ordinance? Like some cities, not having all different heights of signs is more pleasing alnd ess junky looking. on Facebook Share Does Loveland have a sign ordinance? Like some cities, not having all different heights of signs is more pleasing alnd ess junky looking. on Twitter Share Does Loveland have a sign ordinance? Like some cities, not having all different heights of signs is more pleasing alnd ess junky looking. on Linkedin Email Does Loveland have a sign ordinance? Like some cities, not having all different heights of signs is more pleasing alnd ess junky looking. link
Does Loveland have a sign ordinance? Like some cities, not having all different heights of signs is more pleasing alnd ess junky looking.
mollyd asked over 3 years agoHello MollyD,
There are standards and requirements set forth for signs with the City's Unified Development Code. Currently within Loveland City Limits, signs must not be taller than 14 feet. There are still a few older signs that exceed that limit, but all new signs must be 14 feet or less. For more information, please call our Planning Department directly, at 970-962-2723. Thank you!4
Share Will the Rec Trail between Namaqua and Wilson get paved (currently a soft trail)? on Facebook Share Will the Rec Trail between Namaqua and Wilson get paved (currently a soft trail)? on Twitter Share Will the Rec Trail between Namaqua and Wilson get paved (currently a soft trail)? on Linkedin Email Will the Rec Trail between Namaqua and Wilson get paved (currently a soft trail)? link
Will the Rec Trail between Namaqua and Wilson get paved (currently a soft trail)?
maddoxlc asked over 3 years agoHello Maddoxic,
Yes, we anticipate that that section of trail will be paved in the fall of 2022. We expect it will be a 3-month project to complete and open for public use as soon as warm weather hits in spring of 2023. Thank you.
Share Is there any community code for vehicles blocking sidewalks, uninsured cars with flat tires parked in street for weeks,or unkept properties with no maintenance creating a rodent habitat enforcement? on Facebook Share Is there any community code for vehicles blocking sidewalks, uninsured cars with flat tires parked in street for weeks,or unkept properties with no maintenance creating a rodent habitat enforcement? on Twitter Share Is there any community code for vehicles blocking sidewalks, uninsured cars with flat tires parked in street for weeks,or unkept properties with no maintenance creating a rodent habitat enforcement? on Linkedin Email Is there any community code for vehicles blocking sidewalks, uninsured cars with flat tires parked in street for weeks,or unkept properties with no maintenance creating a rodent habitat enforcement? link
Is there any community code for vehicles blocking sidewalks, uninsured cars with flat tires parked in street for weeks,or unkept properties with no maintenance creating a rodent habitat enforcement?
catomann asked over 3 years agoHello Catomann,
Yes, issues such as these can be located within the City's Municipal Code. For example, information on abandoned motor vehicles can be found here: https://library.municode.com/co/loveland/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT10VETR_CH10.28RESTDIABILPAMOVE_10.28.021REABMOVE
You can access the Loveland Municipal yourself, too, at https://library.municode.com/co/loveland/codes/code_of_ordinances.
In order to report violations on someone's property, you can contact our Code Enforcement department at 970-962-2600. If the car in question is in the street rather than on private property, you would contact Loveland Police at 970-667-2151. Thank you.
Share Why was the Fire and Ice festival cancelled when it was by far the biggest draw all year for Loveland businesses ? Why build a Parking Garage if you're going to cancel the only real reason to build it ? on Facebook Share Why was the Fire and Ice festival cancelled when it was by far the biggest draw all year for Loveland businesses ? Why build a Parking Garage if you're going to cancel the only real reason to build it ? on Twitter Share Why was the Fire and Ice festival cancelled when it was by far the biggest draw all year for Loveland businesses ? Why build a Parking Garage if you're going to cancel the only real reason to build it ? on Linkedin Email Why was the Fire and Ice festival cancelled when it was by far the biggest draw all year for Loveland businesses ? Why build a Parking Garage if you're going to cancel the only real reason to build it ? link
Why was the Fire and Ice festival cancelled when it was by far the biggest draw all year for Loveland businesses ? Why build a Parking Garage if you're going to cancel the only real reason to build it ?
Rob asked over 3 years agoHello Rob,
Unfortunately, Fire & Ice was not a financially sustainable event and the City had to go in another direction. Our focus now is on growing our premier downtown winter event - the Sweetheart Festival, which is scheduled for the second weekend of Feb. 2022. We will be putting out more information on that as it becomes available. If you have further questions on that or other City events, please call Cindy Mackin at 970-962-2626.
Re: the parking garage, it is not only used for outdoor City events but also for those who dine and shop downtown, Rialto Theater events, museum event parking, a host of events put on by the Downtown Development Authority at the Foundry, and events such as Night on the Town. If you're looking for more detail on use of the parking garage, please call 970-962-2524. Thank you and we hope to see you at the Sweetheart Festival in February!
Share I've seen lots of dragonflies in my backyard this summer - more than typical. Someone mentioned that some municipalities release dragonflies to help control mosquitoes. I was wondering if this is what's happened? I am greatly enjoying them! on Facebook Share I've seen lots of dragonflies in my backyard this summer - more than typical. Someone mentioned that some municipalities release dragonflies to help control mosquitoes. I was wondering if this is what's happened? I am greatly enjoying them! on Twitter Share I've seen lots of dragonflies in my backyard this summer - more than typical. Someone mentioned that some municipalities release dragonflies to help control mosquitoes. I was wondering if this is what's happened? I am greatly enjoying them! on Linkedin Email I've seen lots of dragonflies in my backyard this summer - more than typical. Someone mentioned that some municipalities release dragonflies to help control mosquitoes. I was wondering if this is what's happened? I am greatly enjoying them! link
I've seen lots of dragonflies in my backyard this summer - more than typical. Someone mentioned that some municipalities release dragonflies to help control mosquitoes. I was wondering if this is what's happened? I am greatly enjoying them!
rpickett asked over 3 years agoHello! Great question! Dragonflies are natural predators to mosquitoes--both in their aquatic nymph form and as adults, and for that reason, we love them too! However, the City does not release them. What you're seeing is an act of Mother Nature, not the City's mosquito control program. It would be difficult to access or raise the number of dragonflies that would be needed to cover an area the size of Loveland for mosquito control, but would be great if it were feasible. If you have a yard or garden, there are certain plants that attract dragonflies that could possibly help with mosquito control around your home, though that would be hard to quantify. Thank you for that great question!
Share I would like to know when the resurfacing project of 57th st between Taft and Wilson will be completed and reopened? on Facebook Share I would like to know when the resurfacing project of 57th st between Taft and Wilson will be completed and reopened? on Twitter Share I would like to know when the resurfacing project of 57th st between Taft and Wilson will be completed and reopened? on Linkedin Email I would like to know when the resurfacing project of 57th st between Taft and Wilson will be completed and reopened? link
I would like to know when the resurfacing project of 57th st between Taft and Wilson will be completed and reopened?
Chuck2209 asked over 3 years agoHello again Chuck. Just wanted you to know that the open date has been reset to June 3. There are some additional issues that need to be resolved. Sorry for the delay!
Also, we have a webpage that has all of our construction projects on it - a one stop shop for what's happening where - you can check it out at: www.lovgov.org/conezone.
You may also be interested to know that the Loveland Recreation Trail is closed at the intersection of 57th Street and Taft Avenue for road construction and crosswalk improvements.
You can find more information here: P&R Detours and Closures page.
Share Recently I saw a mention on Facebook of traffic cameras being installed along N Taft Ave, with the insinuation that “Big Brother” is watching. Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used? Do they employ facial recognition? Do they capture license plate numbers? Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions? Are they monitored in real time or do they only record? How long are recordings saved? Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes? Who is allowed to view recordings? Are they available to law enforcemet only with a warrant or subpoena? The Facebook post raised all these questions (and more!) and I think the community would be well-served by as much transparency as possible. Thank you! on Facebook Share Recently I saw a mention on Facebook of traffic cameras being installed along N Taft Ave, with the insinuation that “Big Brother” is watching. Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used? Do they employ facial recognition? Do they capture license plate numbers? Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions? Are they monitored in real time or do they only record? How long are recordings saved? Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes? Who is allowed to view recordings? Are they available to law enforcemet only with a warrant or subpoena? The Facebook post raised all these questions (and more!) and I think the community would be well-served by as much transparency as possible. Thank you! on Twitter Share Recently I saw a mention on Facebook of traffic cameras being installed along N Taft Ave, with the insinuation that “Big Brother” is watching. Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used? Do they employ facial recognition? Do they capture license plate numbers? Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions? Are they monitored in real time or do they only record? How long are recordings saved? Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes? Who is allowed to view recordings? Are they available to law enforcemet only with a warrant or subpoena? The Facebook post raised all these questions (and more!) and I think the community would be well-served by as much transparency as possible. Thank you! on Linkedin Email Recently I saw a mention on Facebook of traffic cameras being installed along N Taft Ave, with the insinuation that “Big Brother” is watching. Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used? Do they employ facial recognition? Do they capture license plate numbers? Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions? Are they monitored in real time or do they only record? How long are recordings saved? Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes? Who is allowed to view recordings? Are they available to law enforcemet only with a warrant or subpoena? The Facebook post raised all these questions (and more!) and I think the community would be well-served by as much transparency as possible. Thank you! link
Recently I saw a mention on Facebook of traffic cameras being installed along N Taft Ave, with the insinuation that “Big Brother” is watching. Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used? Do they employ facial recognition? Do they capture license plate numbers? Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions? Are they monitored in real time or do they only record? How long are recordings saved? Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes? Who is allowed to view recordings? Are they available to law enforcemet only with a warrant or subpoena? The Facebook post raised all these questions (and more!) and I think the community would be well-served by as much transparency as possible. Thank you!
Lori Hvizda Ward asked almost 4 years agoHi Lori - Thanks for your questions. Please see the responses below and let us know if you have further questions.
Can you clarify exactly how these cameras are used?
The cameras are only located at certain intersections in Loveland and were acquired by the City's Public Works department for real-time traffic monitoring, improve roadway safety, and increase transit efficiency. The cameras are used to adjust signal coordination plans and timing, traffic congestion created by planned and unplanned events, road construction and affiliated traffic control, pavement conditions from weather events (snow, ice, flooding, etc.), and traffic signal repair (bulbs out, flashing red signal, dark signal, etc.).
Do they employ facial recognition?
No, these cameras do not have facial recognition.
Do they capture license plate numbers?
No, there is no automatic scanning of license plate numbers.
Are they used to allow LPD to ticket for traffic infractions?
The Loveland Police Department does not use traffic cameras for regular traffic enforcement.
Are they monitored in real time or do they only record?
The cameras are utilized by Public Works for real time monitoring of traffic and roadway conditions. The cameras have a limited ability to record and the recordings are accessible and reviewed by Loveland law enforcement upon request.
How long are recordings saved?
Recordings are automatically destroyed after 7-days. As a result, if a request for footage related to a traffic accident or a criminal investigation is not immediately requested by Loveland Police, it will likely be unavailable.
Are the recordings viewed in connection with traffic accidents or suspected crimes?
In the event there is a traffic accident where a citation is issued (e.g. dangerous and/or reckless driving), the recording can be accessed by the investigating Officer.
Who is allowed to view recordings?
Recordings are only viewable by the investigating officer for a traffic citation, or by the City Prosecutor in relation to a court matter.
Are they available to law enforcement only with a warrant or subpoena?
Since the cameras are owned and operated by the City, a warrant or subpoena is not needed to access our own records. In instances where recordings have been accessed, it is always in response to a traffic citation, motor vehicle accident, or a criminal case. Law enforcement does not have the ability or resources to engage in proactive or regular monitoring of the cameras.
Page last updated: 22 May 2023, 02:18 PM