Loveland Pulse and COVID-19
Pulse exists to connect you, our residents and businesses, to the world through high-speed internet. There has never been a clearer sign that this service is essential to Loveland. Our team has a critical role to play in keeping and building resilience and redundancy in our city’s communications infrastructure and we will continue to do so as a city of Loveland utility and essential service following state and county orders.
During this time, our team will continue to maintain existing infrastructure such as legacy fiber leases and build out Loveland’s fiber-optic network to do our part in keeping our community connected to the resources they need most. As we continue this important work, we have increased safety measures to ensure the health and safety of city staff, construction crews and the residents in our community.
Here is what we are doing to keep our teams and our residents safe during this time:
All Pulse team members are adhering to City of Loveland directives and maintaining appropriate social distancing measures in the workplace. We are either working remotely or in split shifts.
Reduced construction crew sizes to maintain social distancing while maintaining a safe work environment.
Performing daily temperature checks for field crews.
Cleaning and sanitizing standards have been increased - equipment and vehicles are being sanitized more frequently. Crews also carry extra wipes and hand sanitizer in their trucks.
Crews are wearing gloves and maintaining appropriate social distancing measures when distributing construction information materials to residents.
We are all in this together. As we continue work, we thank you for your support and please know that you can contact us with any questions or concerns. We are listening and responding.
Call: 970-962-2010
Construction Hotline: 970-962-2011
This page has been archived. Please visit for details on Pulse service.