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On Nov. 18, 2021, City staff, community partners, members of City Council and community members, met virtually to discuss Affordable Housing in Loveland.
The Town Hall was an open forum for community members to learn about what is considered affordable housing, what inventory looks like in Loveland and which organizations are playing a role. This information was shared through a staff presentation; facilitated community dialogue around 3 guiding questions; and the opportunity to record further questions and feedback from participants. A report on of the overall Town Hall process and the dialogue from each breakout room can be found here in the Town Hall Summary - November 18, 2021 - Affordable Housing. Find the report here.
The City's Office of Communication and Engagement has shared feedback from this Town Hall with City Council and key partners working on affordable housing solutions to be considered for future opportunities with this topic.
We encourage you to share your stories and ask any additional questions you might have on affordable housing in Loveland on this site!
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Colorado is facing an affordable housing challenge as both the demand and the cost of entry-level homes continues to skyrocket, while housing construction, particularly in the areas of condominiums, remains largely nonexistent. Also, the average rent for an apartment in Loveland is up 5% from last year, and continues to be out of reach for many lower income families and individuals.
Here is a snapshot of Loveland:![](
Bottom Line: For individuals earning less than $31,000 annually, there is practically no affordable housing in Loveland. Even those who earn $60,000 per year have very little to choose from, and are competing with a large demand for housing in that price range.
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Area Median Income (AMI) is the midpoint of a region’s income distribution- half of the families in a region earn more than the median and half earn less than the median. This can also be looked at as the Median household income. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Loveland's median household income was $68,592 from 2015-2019.
Click here or on the images below for a PDF version of the graphs.
Tell us - what AMI are you?
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Here are the results of Loveland Housing Authority's most recent community survey. Find the PDF here or click on the image below.
Loveland Housing Authority Community Survey (Text Responses)
Lovelanders believe:
- Rent needs to be 30% or less of someone's income
- There needs to be a diverse housing stock including apartments, townhomes and condos
- There needs to be affordable for families and individuals on low incomes.
Additional survey results:
- 69% of women surveyed in Loveland said finding affordable housing is a problem.
- 59% of Lovelanders surveyed said finding affordable housing is a problem.
- 30% of Lovelanders say a lack of affordability has an impact on their economic opportunity.
- 68% of people from age 55-64 said finding affordable housing is a huge problem.
- 68% of Lovelanders believe the lack of affordable housing is having an impact on the overall economic vitality of Loveland.
- 64% of people approve when the City of Loveland increased it's funding source to it's number of unites to 750.
- 63% approve with the innovative permanent supportive housing for veterans through Artspace, Greenhouse Homes and Aspire3D
- 75% approve with Loveland Housing Authority's contemporary approach to affordable housing
Magellan Strategies conducted an online survey of 663n in Loveland. The interviews were conducted from August 31st to September 3rd, 2020. The overall survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.78% at the 95% confidence interval. Subgroups of voters will have a higher margin of error than the overall population. The survey results were weighted based upon U.S Census Bureau’s 2019 estimated population demographics for Loveland, CO.