Loveland Broadband Team Awards Network Design Contract to Nokia
Tuesday, June 5, was a big night for the broadband project. City Council authorized a contract award for network design and engineering services to Nokia.
What does this mean for the project? This means that over the next several months, Nokia, with guidance from city staff, will be developing a network design to run fiber past every home and business in the City of Loveland. The end product will provide a more accurate cost for construction and a design that is ready for construction to start. This will be a modified design/build contract with a clear stop between the design phase and the build phase. Information will be brought back to City Council when costs are known and City Council will decide if and how the city will proceed with broadband.
What else is the broadband team working on? The resolution passed by City Council on February 6th, 2018, authorized staff to start working on a number of items:
- We are ramping up the education and outreach to staff and to the community. Several internal and external presentations have already been given and more are planned in the near future.
- The finance team is working on refining the financial model. We are also evaluating an underwriter to provide costs and options for a potential bond.
- Applications for the Loveland Communications Committee (LCAB) are being evaluated and interviews will follow in the next couple of weeks.
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