What is a Metro District and how do Metro Districts in Loveland affect me?
Metropolitan districts are quasi-governmental entities with taxing authority that are used to finance necessary public infrastructure and services that the City cannot otherwise provide. A metro district is a type of special district derived from Colorado's Special District Act. (Title 32, Article 1, Colorado Revised Statutes)(External link)
What is the difference between a Metro District and a Homeowner's Association?
A homeowner's association (HOA) is a private association often formed by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing and selling homes and lots in a residential subdivision. Typically the developer will transfer control of the association to the homeowners after selling a predetermined a number of lots.
An HOA differs from a Metro District in that residents living in an HOA do not have additional property tax obligation as they do in a Metro District.
What authority does the City have to approve Metro Districts?
The Loveland City Council has limited ongoing oversight of Metro Districts, but is able to enact more controls through the approval and requirements of each district's service plan. The service plan for each metro district will outline the additional property tax mills to be paid, the interest rates on the debt, and what type of infrastructure can be constructed and maintained with the debt.
How many Metro Districts does Loveland have (as of February 2021)?
Loveland's first metropolitan district, Van De Water, was approved in 2002 and consisted of 333 acres for residential and commercial development. As of 2021, there are 18 metropolitan districts in Loveland with more applications expected this year.