The City of Loveland Ad Hoc Community Trust Commission (CTC) Press Release
What: Recognition of Mr. Rei Mendoza for his moral courage, compassion, and integrity during the Karen Garner arrest in 2020.
Where: Foote Lagoon Amphitheater Loveland Municipal Building 500 E. 3rd Street
When: September 17, 2022 approximately 3:00 pm during Heart & Sol’s Latine Heritage Celebration
Why: Mr. Mendoza witnessed Loveland officers using excessive force against Ms. Garner, a 73 year old woman suffering from dementia. Ms. Garner was injured with a broken arm and traumatized during the arrest and subsequently back at the police station where law enforcement did not call for medical aid to treat her.
Mr. Mendoza pulled his vehicle over and made a verbal complaint to a Loveland Sgt. who was on scene at the arrest. The police sergeant dismissed Mr. Mendoza’s concerns and responded that the officers did nothing wrong and that he could get in trouble for interfering with police activity. Body camera footage showed Mr. Mendoza continuing to try and advocate for Ms. Garner, but was repeatedly dismissed by the Loveland police sergeant.
The CTC is recognizing Mr. Mendoza’s contribution to our community. The courage, compassion, and integrity that was exemplified that day should serve as an example to other residents of Loveland.
Loveland Police Department’s Interim Chief, Eric Stewart will be in attendance and Loveland Mayor, Jacki Marsh will be speaking at the event.
All media outlets are encouraged and welcome to attend and cover this positive event.
Please direct all clarifying questions to CTC Chairperson Sara Mayer at 970-901-2972

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