FOR RELEASE: US 34 and Taft Avenue Intersection Improvement Project completes Phase 3a and proceeds with a winter shutdown
The US 34 and Taft Avenue Intersection Improvement Project has completed Phase 3a and will open north of US 34 and Taft Avenue to the traveling public today. The project will temporarily enter a winter shutdown before Christmas into spring 2025.
Winter shutdown
Due to low temperatures and potential snow during the winter months, applying new asphalt is not feasible. Additionally, asphalt plants temporarily shut down during this time. In Colorado, construction activity typically slows or pauses in winter due to weather-related impacts on progress. As a result, this project will pause until spring 2025, when warmer conditions are ideal for completing the remaining road work.
New lanes added on north Taft Avenue
To align with the new southbound roadway on Taft Avenue, additional lanes will be added north of the intersection at US 34 and Taft Avenue:
- A new through and right turning lane to head south on Taft Avenue or west on US 34/Eisenhower Boulevard
- Two dual left turning lanes to head east on US34
- Two through lanes to head north on Taft Avenue
- One through lane to head south on Taft Avenue
The City encourages commuters to continue to drive carefully through the intersection to adjust to these new changes. On Thursday, Dec. 12, from 1 to 2 p.m., weather permitting, crews will temporarily stop traffic to apply striping at the intersection for the new lanes. During this time, flaggers will be onsite to help monitor traffic flows; however, commuters should expect delays during this time.
What’s next for the project in 2025?
Phase 3a involved several key improvements, including the repair of aging waterline, wastewater, and storm drain pipelines on Taft Avenue from N. Taft Avenue to 18th Street. It also addressed an emergency storm drain repair between 22nd Street and 25th Street, the demolition of the Safeway parking lot to accommodate roadway widening, and the installation of six new streetlights on Taft Avenue and US 34/Eisenhower Boulevard.
Phase 3b will focus on completing the remaining curb, gutter, and ADA sidewalk repairs, along with widening N. Taft Avenue to align with the existing southbound roadway on Taft Avenue. To facilitate this work, a full closure of N. Taft Avenue north of US 34 may be necessary.
Once Phase 3b is complete, the project will transition to Phase 4, which includes reinstalling medians and striping on US 34/Eisenhower Boulevard between Westshore Drive and Prospect Avenue. The entire project is expected to be completed by July 2025
Additional project details including detour maps, images and other project updates, can be found at Residents who wish to sign up for weekly project updates, receive the latest information, or contact the project team can email or call 970-599-7788.
The US 34 and Taft Avenue Intersection Improvement Project was introduced to the Loveland City Council in 1999. Throughout the years, the biggest hurdle for the project has been funding. The City found different funding sources to move the project forward over the years and is now able to move forward with allocated funding dedicated to the project. The City has acquired and demolished the homes along the west side of Taft Avenue from 11th Street to US 34/Eisenhower Boulevard. In order to accomplish the improvements to widen Taft Avenue, additional rights-of-way and easements were required. The City acquired these properties to meet construction schedules and progress with an anticipated summer 2024 construction date—all of which is necessary to leverage federal grant funding opportunities.
Project Funding
The US 34 and Taft Avenue Intersection Improvement Project is funded by multiple funding streams collected over the past 10 years to move the project forward (2013-2023). Those funding streams include grants, TABOR, General Fund, Capital Expansion Fees and the Water Enterprise Fund. To learn more about the budget for this project, visit